Softball/Baseball Team Calculator - SBC

Version 5.22 - Released 05/15/24

Check out the Release Notes and the Revision History and Compatibility for more details


The SBC requires a legal copy of Microsoft Excel® (not supplied) to execute it.
It has been tested on the following operating systems and US-English versions of Excel:


Excel Office 2021 (v16)*
Excel Office 2019 (v16)*
Excel Office 2016 (v16)*
Excel Office 2013 (v15)
Excel Office 2010 (v14)
Excel Office 2007 (v12) - un-verified

Mac OS X

Excel Office 2011 (v14)
Excel Office 2004 (v11)

* See Support page for co-existence issues.

Existing SBC team worksheets are upward compatible with newer SBC releases.
See the Release Notes and the User Manual for more details on upgrading the worksheets.

The SBC is not compatible with the following spreadsheet applications due to incompatible, incomplete or non-existant support for macros/VBA language:

Licensing and Donations

The SBC is ADD-FREE !!!
Supported solely by user donations !!!

If you find the SBC useful, a donation via credit card, Make a Donation via PayPal would be appreciated !

Alternative payments can be made via Zelle interbank transfers addressed to:

Don't have a Paypal or Zelle account ? for alternative payment methods.


The SBC does not require a license key to install, use or uninstall the program.
If you have difficulty downloading the distribution package, see the note regarding downloads on the Support page.

Future Enhancements

There's an on-going list of enhancements that are being evaluated for incorporation into future revisions.
  📫 if you have a suggestion for improvement of the interface or functionality additions.

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